
Friday, 29 July 2016

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Term 3 Immersion Assembly

Did you know we had a immersion assembly at Pt England School on Monday July 25th 2016? The students watched all the team teachers movies on the and on the stage of what their teams are learning about for this terms topic, We are the champions.

The whole School are learning about the Olympics In Rio. The Olympics start on August 5, - August 21, 2016. Some teachers were holding some stuff at the immersion assembly for our principal, Mr Burt he came back from around the world. Mr Jacobson was holding a camera Mrs Garden was holding a microphone and Mrs Nua has a make up bag.

Team 1,2,3,4 and 5 are all learning about the Olympics. Team 1 is learning about how the Olympics athletes Keep them Healthy and fit to win the Olympics. Team 2 is learning about different sports. Team 3 Is learning about Olympic Quizzes and Team 5 is learning about the Olympics competition.

The team I am in is team 4. Team 4 is learning about the All of the Olympics sports. I don't Know what exposed mean but I think it is like not using drugs and bad stuff and I don't know the rest but there's more about what we're learning about.

When the immersion assembly started I was excited for the teams to share what they're learning about this term. Team 5 was my favourite. They made me laugh. I am really looking forward to term 3. I want to create a animation about my chosen event from the Olympics, Javelin.

Walt: use graphic organisers to write a recount.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Our School Art Gallery

This Term Our School Is learning about Art. Our School Topic is called As I see It. My team,Team 4 we are learning about comic things. A cool, amazing Comic artist came to our school Paul martin. We made are school Art gallery. I Saw a lot off art. I drawed a evil cupcake ruins parties. It was in a folder on a desk. I saw my comic superhero animation on the computers. Here is a photo of My art and team 4 Art.