WALT: Write a recount using an amazing hook and detailed orientation.
Have your teacher made you laugh before? Pt england had an Immersion Assembly. Immersion Assembly is when the whole a gathers together and watch teacher’s videos or show us on the stage what they're going to do.

Other teams showed what they're doing for the term. Team 1 s learning about their favourite things. Team 2 is learning about seasons Team 3 is learning about
Building stuff and how long it is and the shapes . Finally team 5 there are learning about the Hawaii wakas. Hokulea,Te Aurere,Hikianalia and Hine Moana.
YAY!!! team 4 teachers are up next. They showed us a video called the teacher vengers. Once upon a time there was a evil bear called Bear Baxendine. He wanted
A chromebook the bear found Bobby jon’s chromebook. He sat on the bin and laugh evil. Two super heros tried to stop the bear. But the bear beat them up and yelled help. Three super heros herd and help them. All of them smashed the bear and got the chromebook back and that was the end of team 4 story.
I really liked the immersion assembly. It made me laughed happy and excited. My favourite team was team 4. I am really looking forward to making comics.
I really like seeing your hook Charles! It made your writing so much more interesting! I am so excited to see your comics!