Monday, 11 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Friday, 1 December 2017
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Have you learned anything about hippos? This week I have been learning
about hippos. I've learn't a few things about hippos. Did you know that Hippos
can produce loud noises that sounds like lions. Check out my presentation
about Hippos!
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Mr Patterson Talk
On the 1st of November a man called Andrew Patterson came to talk to the year 7 & 8's about education and how you can change your life.
1 thing I learn't from him is that he talked to us about a 11 year old boy named Willy who lives in south auckland and he gave up his lunch to a homeless man everyday for 2 weeks. Then for a few days later he got luck. Mr Patterson took him to wellington on a plane and has never been on a plane.
Now the homeless man has a Job, Has a house and also has money. The 11 year old boy change a older man's life. Thats what shocked me. So that teach me that even tho your way younger than a person you still can change a way p;der person life.
1 thing I learn't from him is that he talked to us about a 11 year old boy named Willy who lives in south auckland and he gave up his lunch to a homeless man everyday for 2 weeks. Then for a few days later he got luck. Mr Patterson took him to wellington on a plane and has never been on a plane.
Now the homeless man has a Job, Has a house and also has money. The 11 year old boy change a older man's life. Thats what shocked me. So that teach me that even tho your way younger than a person you still can change a way p;der person life.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Explanation Writing
People who exercise burn more calories and look more toned than those who don’t In fact exercise is the most important part of keeping your body at a healthy rate. At my school we exercise everyday we see a lot of sweat dripping down off people's head which is a good thing and means they have been exercising very hard.
Exercise helps you lose a lot of weight and lower the risk of some disease. Over the years many men and women have been exercising very hard sometimes they even get muscular. Did you know that exercising can improve the blood circulation, which reduce the risk of heart disease. Did you know that some people are famous for being muscular and they earn lots of money.
A gym session or a 30 minute walk can help you. Physical activities stimulates various brain chemicals that may you leaving happier and more relaxed. You may feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your self-esteem.
If you exercise for about 2-3 week everyday for 30 mins will keep you healthy, fit, strong and add years to your life. I hope all the information I said help you with your life and given you more information on how exercise will help you.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Catching Baby Flounders
On 27th September 2017 a few of Pt England School students went down to the the Pt England Reserve to catch some baby flounders for a new fish tank were there gonna live till there adult flounders then taking them back to the ocean.
Pt England School walked down different streets to get to the flounder team. When we arrived first we sang a waiata (song) we sang two songs. We watched them for only like 15 mins or less then we had to go back to school.
When they came back to school we were exited because a student teacher "Tyson" told us they caught more than 20 BABY FLOUNDERS! Cody flats school caught 4 baby flounders and we had to beat them then we caught 20 Baby flounders!
My Favorite part of the floundering catching was when Tyson told us that we caught more than 20 baby flounders.
Pt England School walked down different streets to get to the flounder team. When we arrived first we sang a waiata (song) we sang two songs. We watched them for only like 15 mins or less then we had to go back to school.
When they came back to school we were exited because a student teacher "Tyson" told us they caught more than 20 BABY FLOUNDERS! Cody flats school caught 4 baby flounders and we had to beat them then we caught 20 Baby flounders!
My Favorite part of the floundering catching was when Tyson told us that we caught more than 20 baby flounders.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Making a Film
Have you ever tried a blind fold taste test before? Well for the past few weeks room 4 done a blind fold taste test. Our teacher 'Mrs Judd' filmed us in 3's tasting different kinds of Asian food.
Joining me when it was our turn was my friends Wesley and Revival. We were so nervous and thinking of what we were going to get."Blind folds on" said Mrs Judd. We put our blind folds on and waited for our first thing to eat.
The first thing we had was actually not something to eat it was a drink a melon flavored drink. Revivals thought on the drink that the flavor was rock melon I had the same thought as Revival as well. Wesley's thought of what flavor it is was Bubble gum flavored.
The second food we tried was taro jelly at first we thought it was melon again but when Mrs Judd told us that it was taro we were surprised. We had tried 5 things and there was one I liked to eat and one I really didn't like.
There is a little bit info of the food Me, Revival and Wesley tried. I don't want to give out to much info because we also filmed it for the maniakalani film festival and the maniakalani cluster which is all the maniakalani schools. There is 1 suprise Mrs Judd gave us but you will have to watch our maniakalani film if you want to know.
Hope you enjoy reading my post about when we tried the blind fold taste test. Tell me in the comments if you have tried that test before.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
I wonder Animation
Hello and this is my 'I wonder animation' This animation is about one of my space I wonder question which is 'I Wonder How are stars made' Watch my animation to see what happens. My Question to you's is What is your I wonder question about space? I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, 24 July 2017
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Thursday, 15 June 2017
WALT - Identify and uses tenths to make numbers
This weeks work we are focusing on tenths and read range of graphs. It was quite difficult for me but I got threw it with my brain. So please leave a comment and tell me what you think
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
WALT - Identify and uses tenths to make numbers
This week our learning intention is focusing on tenths and we are learning about decimals and fractions our learning intention this week was quite hard but I still got threw of doing it so please leave a comment down below and let me know what you think...
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Popsicle Decimals
WALT use tenths
This weeks task was to identify and use tenths to make numbers. We used Popsicle sticks to round up the numbers we were given, We then added both decimals to get the result we wanted. To get the right answer we used Popsicle sticks.
Friday, 2 June 2017
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Monday, 29 May 2017
Friday, 26 May 2017
Fun with the year 7's
For the last 3 days the year 7''s had lots of fun in the street. The street is like a big space in side our intermediate block.The year 8's has left to go to their leader ship camp. We all got sorted into 3 groups. We had to come up with our name a chant and a boy leader and a girl leader. The Group names are 'The Munchies, Churrys and Fobalicious.
We came up with our name and chant and our leaders. Our name was 'The Munchies' our boy leader was Tevita and our girl leader was Sabrina. After that we had a competition for who has the best chant. The Churrys won. Then we had a sing off and My team won. Then we had another sing off and we had a tie with the Churrys.
After the competitions we did our rotations. The rotations were in our classes. There were only 3 rotations. The first rotation my team did was art. It was preety tricky until I got help from my friends
but we never finished it on time when we had to pack up.
The next day my team got to do all of the rotations. The Next rotation my team went to was doing towers with marshmallows and dried long pasta I think. None of us got any points because we keep on smashing it down because we were frustrated. Then the next game was cupstacking it was so fun and my group won.
The next rotation we went to next was making truffles. truffles was the best rotation for me because we get to sneak and eat a little bit of the chocolate chips and eat the biscuits mixed with coco and condense milk it was so delicious. After that we rolled the mixed coco and the condense milk with the biscust into small balls and rolled it into the coconut sprinkles and put it into a tray for later for us to eat.
The last day we did cup challenges with all the other teams and lots of more games. My favorite part of the fun we had was playing all the games with my friends and making the truffles
We came up with our name and chant and our leaders. Our name was 'The Munchies' our boy leader was Tevita and our girl leader was Sabrina. After that we had a competition for who has the best chant. The Churrys won. Then we had a sing off and My team won. Then we had another sing off and we had a tie with the Churrys.
After the competitions we did our rotations. The rotations were in our classes. There were only 3 rotations. The first rotation my team did was art. It was preety tricky until I got help from my friends
but we never finished it on time when we had to pack up.
The next day my team got to do all of the rotations. The Next rotation my team went to was doing towers with marshmallows and dried long pasta I think. None of us got any points because we keep on smashing it down because we were frustrated. Then the next game was cupstacking it was so fun and my group won.
The next rotation we went to next was making truffles. truffles was the best rotation for me because we get to sneak and eat a little bit of the chocolate chips and eat the biscuits mixed with coco and condense milk it was so delicious. After that we rolled the mixed coco and the condense milk with the biscust into small balls and rolled it into the coconut sprinkles and put it into a tray for later for us to eat.
The last day we did cup challenges with all the other teams and lots of more games. My favorite part of the fun we had was playing all the games with my friends and making the truffles
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Independent and dependent clauses
WALT - Identify independent and dependent clauses - Identify the features of complex sentences.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Monday, 10 April 2017
A Special Place in my community
A Special Place in my community
I live in Glen innes. A special place in my community is the Pt england reserve. The pt england reserve is special to me because we have a lot of special things that happen down there like concerts,movie in the park, Triathlons and Sports and also my school we get to have a school picnic and welcome cool visitors.
Sometimes Me and my family go down there for family days. Me and my brother always play rugby on the big field next to our kazy bows. Theres also a park down there where my little brother and little sister play tag. I like the the name of the reserve ‘Pt england’ Because it is named after the school I go to.
There's a little farm there as well with cows and horses. There’s also a long bush walk for families. But the best thing about it that there's a beach. It’s called Pt england beach. One time all the manaiakalani schools all came down and sat on the grass while welcoming four wakas Hokulea,Hikianalia,Te Aurere and Hine moana. They a hawaiian waka’s that travel around the world.
For our athletics house colours we named them after the hawaiian wakas. Blue is Hine moana,green is Hokulea,yellow is Hikianalia and red is Te Aurere. I really like that reserve the only thing I don't want to happen to don't let the government build houses on the Pt england reserve.
Friday, 7 April 2017
Hello this is my Presentation about Place Value Decimals. I Am learning to 3 decimal Places
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Friday, 31 March 2017
We are learning to add fractions using multiplication and division facts to find a whole of a set.
This is my presentation about fractions.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
My Role Models
My Role model is my Mum and dad.
Mum: My mum cares for me she always make sure that I am safe she cared for me since I was born. And when I'm sad or not having a good day she makes me feel happy again.
Dad: My dad always cares for me and he loves me. He always want me to play sports so I can stay healthy and fit when I grow up he always makes me laugh and makes sure that I have ate.
I love my mum and dad they are my role Models.
Learning Evidence
WALT - Summarise information in a text
SUCCESS CRITERIA: I will know I can do this when I find key words/information and make notes
This is my reading presentation about learning Evidence from two books called the class newspaper and the great barrier reef.
Friday, 24 March 2017
Friday, 17 March 2017
2017 ASB Polyfest Highlight
Have you you ever went to ASB Polyfest Before? On thursday the 16th of march 2017 the whole block of year 7 and 8 went to the ASB Polyfest in manukau. We travelled by bus. In the bus me and my friend ‘kaharau’. We were chewing bubble gum from my other friend ‘Kei’ and saying Jokes.
When we get to go we went to the free stores. After that we get to go in our small groups and we get to go wherever we want to go. I played a game where you have to get a dart and throw it at balloons. If you pop more than 3 balloons then you get a water bottle If you pop 5 balloons you get a T-shirt But if you pop 1 or 2 balloons you get a band and a thing to put you card in.
After going to the games my friend Eva gave me 2 dollars for me to buy a ice cream. Then we had lunch I ate fruit sticks and chocolate cake and I drank my water. It was yummy
Then we get to check out more stores and stages. Then we had to go. My favourite part of polyfest was playing with my friends,going to different stores and eating.
Friday, 10 March 2017
Connecting Fractions Decimals and percentages
WALT - Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
My Visual Mihi

I love and im proud of my culture the cook island because its beautiful and lovely.
I love the NRL (National Rugby League) Because I love Rugby League and sports.
I love Xbox because when Im bored I get to play Xbox and last of all is my self. I love my self cause Im the best.
I hope you like my Visual mihi and Please leave a comment
My idea of a fun weekend
You can do a lot of thing during the weekends. Like going to rainbows end,pools,beach and the movies.
With your family or friends.
My first idea I will go to will be rainbows end with my family. Because it’s fun and you can go on lots of rides and get to watch magic tricks
My second idea will be going to parakai pools with my friends. Because there two fun water slides and pools. Parakai pools will be fun to go to.
My last idea will be the beach. The beach will be pretty fun to go to but it’s not my thing. Some of the beaches are cool like this beach called matheson bay. It’s a beach far away and it have big wave there is no shells and the sand is so soft.
That's all my ideas for a fun weekend I hope you will be able to do those fun ideas.
WALT - Plan for a piece of explanation writing.
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Monday, 20 February 2017
Explanation Text
Why we should drink water. I am here to tell your about the water.
Water can help you with a lot. It will help you survive,Help you with your kidneys and will make your head pains go away it will keep your body healthy and clean.
Water can help you and do a lot for you not any water Fresh water. Fresh water Is the only water you can drink. The world is mostly covered in saltwater. Fresh water is mostly found in lakes,streams,rivers and mountains.
Fresh water can help you stay hydrated. If you don’t drink water fro like 2 days or a week you will get dehydrated. Water has lots of jobs to do every where.
Hope you enjoyed my writing please leave a comment on my blog
WALT - Plan for a piece of explanation writing.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Water Wise
WALT - I make sense of new information before, during and after reading by connecting it to myself, texts I know and my world.
Friday, 10 February 2017
2017 blog reflection
This year I am a year 7. In room 4. I have been enjoying myself in this new space I am in. I have really enjoy my time as a year seven going to hard materiel tech at tamaki collage, doing fitness,sports and also cool work. I have new friends and new work. not that much stuff here has been difficult for me yet but I think some time next week something will get very difficult for me. My new class is amazing and I have a amazing new teacher too Mrs Judd. During this year I am very looking forward going to rainbowsend and parakai pools.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Friday, 3 February 2017
My Pepe ha
This is my pepe ha. This tells about who I am where I come from and who is my mama and papa.
Thanks for reading. Please leave a comment.
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Number of the Week
WALT - Think about a number in many different ways
Today I have learn't how to you's my number that I generated between 0-2000. I had to include and equal my number in my own word problem. Thanks for reading this make sure you leave a comment
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